Sewing Projects


Sewing Projects

Many of our campers spend very little time away from home and family. To make the transition to camp as easy as possible, each camper’s bed is made up with a handmade quilt and lap blanket, as well a beautiful stuffed turtle pillow. Campers take their lap blankets and turtle pillows home with them as tangible memories of their time at camp.

Whenever I squeeze my turtle at camp, I am squeezing my mom and dad! —Camper


If you enjoy sewing and would like to make the experience of The Painted Turtle even more magical, please consider creating turtle pillows or lap blankets for our extraordinary campers.

What sewing projects does The Painted Turtle need?

Quilt, Fleece Blanket, and Turtle Pillow Instructions

Turtle Pillows for Campers (ages 7-17)

  • Turtle skins (aka UN-stuffed turtle pillows) are sewn to a pre-made pattern.  This ensures that all turtles are consistent in shape and size.
  • Turtle Pillow Instructions

Mini Turtle Pillows 

  • Mini turtle pillows will be used as gifts for our incredible program and medical volunteers, without whom Camp would not be possible.
  • Turtle skins (aka UN-stuffed turtle pillows) are sewn to a pre-made pattern that fits on a regular sized piece of paper!  This ensures that all mini turtles are consistent in shape and size.
  • Mini Turtle Pillow Instructions

Quilts for Beds (ages 7-17)

  • The size of the quilt should be 60 inches wide by 80 inches long.
  • Please feel free to be creative! We need patchwork quilts to decorate every twin-sized bed in our cabins.
  • Please make sure these quilts are machine washable and are not too heavy or warm.

Fleece Blankets for Campers (ages 7-17)

Special Requests: 

  • Please avoid using religious or holiday messages or symbols on blankets or pillows in order to create an inclusive environment for all our campers. 
  • Due to the sensitive nature of our campers immune systems, we ask that all items are free from pet dander and hair, chemical fumes caused by smoke or other agents, and free from dust and/or pollen.

For questions about these sewing projects or to have a turtle pillow pattern mailed to you, please email Donna Payne at