2nd Year Leadership Programs


The 2nd year Leader-In-Training (LIT) program is designed for 18 year-old campers who have successfully completed our Leadership Camper program. As LITs, participants join us to develop their leadership skills and gain greater insight into our camp program. Participants partner with cabin and program mentors who serve as resources and role models during their camp session.  The opportunity offers a hands-on learning experience. LITs are assigned to a cabin of campers and practice a leadership role in camp program areas. LITs work closely with the Leadership Coordinator and must be ready to challenge themselves to learn and grow.

How to Apply

  • You must be a previous camper in good standing with The Painted Turtle or a member of the medical community we serve
  • You must be 18 years old by the beginning of the session for which you are applying
  • You must have successfully completed the Leadership Camper program the previous year

The application includes:

  • Medical Requirements
  • Applicant Information
  • Reference Forms – Please list two references on the reference forms provided
  • Leadership Questionnaire

Applications are available through our Campsite database