Camp at Home – Session 3
Special Diagnoses & Muscular Dystrophy
Welcome to Camp at Home! We are thrilled you are joining us for some Camp fun from home this weekend. This summer’s theme is Imagine, and we are looking forward to all that we can imagine with you over the next few days. We have a lot of fun, a lot of dancing, a lot of silliness, and a little bit of messiness planned for the weekend. Below are some resources that you might find helpful this weekend or whenever you need a little Camp in your life!
Take me to:
Program/Activity Resources
Camp at Home Full Program and Song Book
Schedule of Events
Sign Up Here for Stage Night
STAR Model Video
- Video: Build Your Own Indoor Obstacle Course
- Video: Let’s Play – Obstacle Course with Rachel
- Video: Fidget Spinner
- Video: Pugs and Wrist Hugs
- Video: Keep it Moving – Ping Pong
- Video: Cardboard Shop
- Video: Cooking with Christine: Spaghetti
- Archery
- Camp at Home Family Program
- Duct Tape Wallets
- Horses
- Magnetic Fishing
- Scavenger Hunt
- Silly Olympics
- Video: Brown Eyed Girl
- Video: Down By the Bay
- Video: Great Big Moose
- Video: Jet Plane
Tour The Painted Turtle Campsite!
Join longtime volunteers, Pops and Sherry, for a tour around The Painted Turtle campsite!
Share the Fun!
Don’t forget to send us photos of your families Camp at Home fun to!
We want to make your Camp at Home experience the best it can be!
Please text or call if you have any tech issues or questions: 661-886-3073
Medical Resources
Caregiver Discussion Group – English
SUNDAY, JULY 19 FROM 10:30-11:45AM PST
We know that you, as caregivers of a child with chronic illness, have much in common. The caregiver discussion provides a place for caregivers to discuss what it is like to live with a child with a chronic medical condition. The session will have a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Laura Garcia, and an Education Counselor, Hilary Craw, to facilitate the discussion focusing on coping skills, how to balance work, school, and home life, identifying resources and encouraging networking among families.
Please fill out the following to guide our caregiver discussion:
Grupo de Discusión del Cuidador - Español
Sabemos que ustedes, como cuidador/cuidadora de un niño/niña con condiciones crónicas, tienen mucho en común. La sesión de discusión entre Cuidadores, provee un lugar para que cada cuidador/cuidadora discutan como es vivir con un niño/niña con una condición médica. En esta session, tendremos a una Trabajador Clinica Social, Laura Garcia, y una Consejera de Educacion, Hilary Craw, para facilitar la discusión, enfocándose en habilidades para sobrellevar; balancear el trabajo, escuela, y la vida en casa, identificando recursos y animando una red entre las familias.
Por favor llene las siguientes, que serán usadas para guiar la discusión entre los cuidadores:
Specialist Presentations
Educational Resources
Video: Tips & Tricks: Subcutaneous (SubQ) Injections
- Spina Bifida Association COVID-19 Information and Resources
- COVID-19 Guidance for People Living with Hydrocephalus
- Video: How to Administer Solu-Cortef Emergency Injection (Hydrocortisone Injection)
- ACT-O-VIAL (Hydrocortisone for Injection)
- Video: Keto Pumpkin Cheesecake
Learning Independence/Transition to Adulthood – English
Education and fostering independence are an important part of what The Painted Turtle Medical Team does at camp. We acknowledge that not every child will be able to participate in their healthcare or become fully independent. However, we believe that taking responsibility for your healthcare is an important step in becoming independent and transitioning to adulthood. Learning these skills can open a whole new world for children, whether they are able to attend a sleepover or eventually live on their own. As caregivers, you play an important role in preparing your children to be responsible for as much of their own health as possible. Here are some resources we have gathered to help in the transition.
- Challenge by Choice: Encouraging your Child's Independence
- Understanding Your Health and Transitioning to Adulthood Services from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Aprender Independencia/Transición a la Edad Adulta - Español
La educación y el fomento de la independencia son partes importante de lo que el equipo médico de The Painted Turtle hace en el campamento. Reconocemos que no todos los niños podrán participar en su propia atención médica o ser totalmente independientes. Sin embargo, creemos que asumir la responsabilidad de su atención médica es un paso importante para ser independiente y pasar a la edad adulta. Aprender estas habilidades puede abrir un mundo completamente nuevo para los niños, ya sea que puedan asistir a una fiesta de pijamas o eventualmente vivir por su cuenta. Como cuidadores, ustedes juegan un papel importante en la preparación de sus hijos para ser responsables de la mayor cantidad de su propia salud como sea posible. Estos son algunos recursos que hemos reunido para ayudar en la transición.
- Desafío por elección: Alentar la independencia de su hijo
- Comprender su salud y la transición a los servicios de la edad adulta desde el Hospital infantil de Filadelfia
Mental Wellness – English
We acknowledge that the past few months may have been more challenging than usual. Life as we know it has changed dramatically and along with these changes may come increased worry and stress – not only for adults, but also for kids. The Painted Turtle Medical Team has put together some family-oriented resources to help you and your family explore these feelings. We hope that these resources are helpful and provide support to your family.
- Coping Skills for Kids – A great resource for the entire family with interactive games and family activities to discuss coping mechanisms
- Coping Skills Toolbox
- Cope Cake Craft
- Talking to your child about Coronavirus
- Teens and Anxiety/Uncertainty
Salud Mental – Español
Reconocemos que los últimos meses han sido más desafiantes de lo habitual. La vida tal como la conocemos ha cambiado drásticamente y con estos cambios pueden venir más preocupación y estrés – no sólo para los adultos, sino también los niños. El equipo médico de Painted Turtle ha reunido algunos recursos para la familia para ayudarle a usted y a su familia a explorar estos sentimientos. Esperamos que estos recursos sean útiles y brinden apoyo a su familia.
- Habilidades de afrontamiento para niños, este es un gran recurso para toda la familia. Cuenta con juegos interactivos y actividades familiares para charlar de los mecanismos de afrontamiento:
- Caja de herramientas de habilidades para enfrentarse al estrés
- Cope Cake Craft English only
- Hablar con su hijo acerca de Coronavirus
- Adolescentes y Ansiedad/Incertidumbre
Share the Fun!
Don’t forget to send us photos of your families Camp at Home fun to!
We want to make your Camp at Home experience the best it can be!
Please text or call if you have any tech issues or questions: 661-886-3073
Special Thanks to our Camp at Home Partners for Making this Session Possible!